
Photos by Jeff and Heather Morris

Hold Fast, Hold Tight

Susan as Sarah McKendree Bonham.

  • The Cast
  • (alphabetical order)

Robin Barnes

Angela Blair

Annah Abetti Korpi

Emily Maluski

Susan Maluski

Valerie Schrader

Tanyah Stone

Rocky Road Dugout
"Rocky road, rocky road, you're a callin' to me."
Women travel west in a Conestoga wagon.
"I had my seventh birthday in a dugout in the dead of winter."
A child listens to the prairie blizzard winds.
Thread the Needle Bless This Baby
Before they were old enough to quilt, children would hear: "Children come! Thread the needle." "God bless this baby."
Prairie midwives assist at a birth.
Windmill Red Calico
"Daddy's hand made a windmill."
Two sisters remember "what held your life in this country."
"We had red for a long, long time after that."
The family rides home from town after a surprise purchase.
Baptism Butterfly 1Butterfly 2

"I baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost."

"Mama, look what I found!" "The patient is sewing the scraps of her garments together."
An adopted child learns the truth of her origin.
Schoolhouse Four Doves 2 Four Doves 1
"The green, green, green of the rolling green lawns."
A geography essay becomes a poem.
"Dear God, why has this happened to me?"
Is it worse to be the first or the last to grow up?
Freedom Quilt Lone Star
"Happy twenty-one, James Earl Prentiss."
Neighbors make a "freedom quilt" for a young man.
A shy girl is brought into The Lone Star Waltz.
Quiltin' and Dreamin' Double Wedding Rings
Cowboy John notices Lou Ann working on a quilt for her hope chest as she is "Quiltin' and Dreamin'." "Double Wedding Rings": the wedding portrait.
Secret Drawer Log Cabin
"Mable Louise, I'm gonna forget we ever had this conversation."
Women prepare a "home remedy."
"Mama, can I sleep with you?"
Logs creak in a new cabin.
Crosses and Losses Prairie Fire
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."
Faith sustains the pioneers through all adversity.
"Their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he striketh a man."
A prairie fire devastates a settlement.
Tree of Life Legacy Quilt
"I've done my portion of creatin'."
Sarah comes to the final block of her legacy quilt.
Sarah's Legacy Quilt: "Give her the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates."
Keyboard Flute
Lynn directs from the keyboard. Tina on flute.
Guitar Banjo
Dylan on guitar. Fritz on banjo.
Violin Many thanks to the Nelsonville Quilt Company and the quilters who prepared the quilt blocks and the legacy quilt for this show.
Will on violin.  


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