  • The Cast
  • (front row, L. to R., then back row, L. to R.)

Cookie Cusack (Linda Watkins)

Chris Gorman (Shelly Riggs)

Claire Ganz (Ginny Puhl)

Glenn Cooper (Chris Coleman)

Officer Pudney (Marda Rose)

Ernie Cusack (Charlie Smith)

Officer Welch (Sylvia Abbott)

Ken Gorman (Tom Schmitz)

Ganz (Steve Haskins)

Cassie Cooper (Tawna Rogers)

Chris and Ken Gorman Sharing a Rumor
Shelly Riggs and Tom Schmitz as Chris & Ken Gorman The Gormans share a good one.
Lenny and Claire Ganz Glenn and Cassie Cooper
Steve Haskins and Ginny Puhl as Lenny & Claire Ganz Chris Coleman and Tawna Rogers as Glenn & Cassie Cooper
Cookie and Ernie Cusack Officers Welch and Pudney
Linda Watkins and Charlie Smith as Cookie & Ernie Cusack Sylvia Abbott and Marda Rose as Officers Welch & Pudney


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