The Trip to Bountiful

Photos by Jack & Karen Chan and Alexa Ross



Tea time tassies!


Ludie is caught in the middle as Jessie Mae (left) and Mother Watts (right) struggle over his mother's desire to travel home to Bountiful.


Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir trips musically.


  • The Cast
  • (program order)

Carrie Watts (Sylvia Abbott)

Ludie Watts (Jim Parsons)

Jessie Mae Watts (Ruth Borovicka)

Thelma (Celeste Parsons)

Sheriff (Ken Bowald)

Roy (Terrence J. Smith)

Bus Driver/Ticket Agent 1 (Mike Bila)

Ticket Agent 2 (Doug Bentley)

Narrator (Rita Preston)

Run through Principals
Trip rehearsal, first run through. From left: Jessie Mae, Ludie, Mother Watts, and Narrator.
Narrator Cast
Narrator:  “Mrs. Watts hands her the recipe.  Ludie watches from the bedroom door.” Front Row:  Narrator, Thelma, Jessie Mae, Mother Watts, Ludie
Back Row:  Bus Driver/Ticket Agent 1, Sheriff, Roy, Ticket Agent 2
Audience tripping Coleen Stidham and Kit DeBerry tripping.
Audience tripping. Coleen Stidham and Kit DeBerry tripping.
Jim and Sean Firewalkers for Trip. Lynn Sullivan
Jim and Sean Firewalkers for Trip. Lynn Sullivan
Rita and Karen Tassies. Sandy set decoration for Trip
Rita and Karen Tassies. Sandy set decoration for Trip
Sylvia, Suzanne and Coleen serving the Trippers. Sandy tripping.
Sylvia, Suzanne and Coleen serving the Trippers. Sandy tripping.
Patty Witmer tripping. Happy tripping.
Patty Witmer tripping with chocolate covered strawberries. The cast tripping happily.


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