And Then There Were None
Everyone on Stage
Evelyn Dies
ARMSTRONG: She'll be all right.

Bruce as Dr. Armstrong

  • The Cast
  • (order of appearance)

Lucille Stanhope (Cecilia Rinaldi)

Evelyn Rogers (Jennifer Edwards)

Frieda Narracott (Hannah Martin)

Vera Claythorne (Shelly Riggs)

Philip Lombard (Dean Barker)

Antonia Marston (Tracy Corrigan)

William Blore (Steve Haskins)

General MacKenzie (David Whealey)

Emily Brent (Celeste Parsons)

Judge Wargrave (Joe Balding)

Dr. Armstrong (Bruce Jones)

The Voice (Lamont Cranston)

MacKenzieNarracott Lombard and Vera
GEN. MACKENZIE: Not quite as good as the Club's but it's a nice chair.
NARRACOTT: First group arriving in Jim's boat.
LOMBARD & VERA: It seems rather silly in the light of day.
Emily and Vera Blore and Stanhope
EMILY BRENT & VERA: Where is Mrs. Owen? BLORE & STANHOPE: I'll see that you don't lose by it.
Vera Vera, Lombard, and Wargrave
VERA: If you come one step nearer, I'll shoot. VERA, LOMBARD, WARGRAVE: It's all come true.
Marston Wargrave, Marston, and Blore
MARSTON: Oh! WARGRAVE, MARSTON, BLORE: We won't get much from this.
WARGRAVE: We must all consider very carefully. ROGERS & STANHOPE: I am a cook, not a servant.
Director Norm Cohn Sara on Lights
Director Norm Cohn inspects the set. Sara Riffle works on the lighting.
Making Indian Figurines Making Indian Figurines 2
Jennifer Tvorik and Sara Smith help the kids make the
Indian figurines.


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